Saturday, May 28, 2005

Picking up Lunch and causing Pain for someone else...

It was absolutely glorious here today. A bright, sunny, lovely, spring day.

We had a lazy Saturday morning, and I had a morning spanking before breakfast. Then we spent a good bit of time just cruising around together on the Internet. T had taken off to go spend the day with her mom. About 2:00 we decided to order sandwiches and onion rings from the local Cracker Barrel restaurant
. Getting them carryout meant we could bring them home and enjoy them on the patio with a nice bottle of white wine (no wine at the Cracker Barrel).

I hopped into the shower and got cleaned up and put on a tiny little wisp of a denim skirt and a little bitty light blue t-shirt. That skirt is really just a wide waist-band with a ruffle attached. It really doesn't leave much to the imagination. Between it and my sandals, there was a whole lot of long leg -- and it is springtime... has been a long, cold, dark, dreary winter here. Anyway, off I went, collar, legs and all.

As I was heading up the sidewalk into the restaurant, there was a 30-something couple coming out. The fellow was probably six feet tall and reasonably attractive. His wife was fairly typical of many of the women that one sees here in southern Ohio -- sturdy and German looking. Not unattractive, but round-faced, round-bodied, and stout. Sort of that St. Pauli girl... They came through the door, and he exclaimed, rather loudly, "Oh my God!" She immediately, and without any hesitation, elbowed him sharply in the ribs, and he very quickly added, "the sun!"

If my skirt had not been so short as to make such a maneuver utterly immodest and embarassing, I'd have fallen over and laughed hysterically. I felt bad for his pain, but he (and she, too, for that matter) surely made my day... I wonder if either of them realized that I'm practically old enough to be their mother?

Too rich!!!

Of course, once I was home and the sandwiches were eaten, and the story duly told, we had to have a session with the evil Cracker Barrel paddle (OF COURSE WE HAVE ONE!!!!). But then, we made love and took a lovely nap and well, all's well that ends well.

I wonder if that lady at Cracker Barrel maybe needs a CB paddle to keep her man in line? Do you suppose he'd have less trouble with the "sun" in the future? Hmmmmmm...



At 8:31 PM, Blogger Malcolm said...

I'm pretty sure suns like the one he saw are going to cause him more pain in due course. I'd like to see that sun, too.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was particularly pleased when sue came home and told me this story. She showered right before she left to pick up the sandwiches. I caught her crying when she got out of the shower. She said, "I wish I could be a cute little 20 or 30 year old something who likes to get spanked so you could spank me." I tried telling her how much I loved her and cherished her and lusted after her etc. But she was into the "I'm old and washed up" kind of self-denigration thing.

How wonderful that she went out in her sexy get up only to have a poor guy become just stunned upon encountering her, to his wife's chagrin:)

This couldn't have been more well timed.

She seemed much heartened when she returned.

Thus I Cracker Barrel paddled her after lunch and then fucked her brains out:)

All the best:)


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Malcolm said...

Tom, That just improves the story 100%. I've told sue off already for using phrases like "old bag" and "not quite dead yet". If I were you, I would institute a punishment spanking plus corrective treatment (writing out a hundred times "I am beautiful inside and out and much loved by various people") for every time she uses phrases like that, or talks about being "all washed up"or anything with a similar meaning. It should be strictly forbidden!

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Malcolm... has been and is. He really doesn't need any encouragement on this... Honest! I suppose it doesn't help for me to claim there are extenuating circumstances?



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