Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Why Would Anyone Want Two Wives?

One baffled (probably pretty vanilla) commenter awhile back, confronted with some story about the complexities of dealing with our poly household, asked, "Why would anyone want two wives?"

I think we probably just shined it on at the time, or maybe we offered some sort of philosophical discussion...

Then there's a situation that comes up like "The Trauma of the Messy Sports Coat," and it becomes abundantly clear EXACTLY WHY two wives are not only desirable but absolutely vitally necessary...

Himself has a fairly public sort of role, and every now and then it becomes necessary to dress Him up and make Him look presentable. It is simply a reality.

Sadly, another reality is that He is not a tidy or fastidious sort of fellow. In fact, He is a mess on feet.

The last time He wore His nice, navy blue blazer, He dumped some sort of mysterious whitish gunk on it which is absolutely impervious to any sort of effort to clean it with any methods known to mortal females (and the mortal females around here have a significant arsenal of cleaning tricks because, as discussed above, He's a mess...). Now, to be fair, I've known the blazer needed to be taken to the dry cleaners for a good long while -- several weeks at least. However, it has been challenging, because the schedules have been just wild, and the dry cleaning establishments seem bent on maintaining impossibly tight hours for those of us who work for a living. Plus the offending jacket remains in hiding in the closet from hell... So, I've frequently not thought of it except in the middle of the night.

Anyway, a crisis loomed on Sunday afternoon when, out of the blue, He suddenly remembered that He had a major event Monday evening -- and the jacket needed to be cleaned.


No cleaners open on Sunday afternoon. Need to find a "same day" dry cleaner to do the jacket on Monday. However, I have to be at work before any cleaners are open in the morning, and T has to work later than the time for the meeting to start.

AHHHHHH!!! The glories of having two wives. T, who starts work at 9 AM, hunted around to find the much sought after "same day" dry cleaner, took the messy jacket there, dropped it off, explained that I'd be picking it up, showed them the impossible white, icky stuff, and pre-paid for the whole deal. She then e-mailed me with the location of the cleaner and gave me the information needed to retrieve the precious jacket. I, in turn, bailed out of school early, tore off to the dry cleaner, explained who I was to the mystified dry cleaning lady, and retrieved the now fabulous, freshly cleaned, jacket, and took it home to the once again happy Dominant guy.

So, let's review: Why would anyone want two wives?



At 12:15 PM, Blogger Lady Janon said...

Hey, now I want two wives--I have a stain in just about every shirt I own...

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved this post. It makes ME want two wives!

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want one wife!
The alternative is two husbands of course...which I have :) I still want a wife though!



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