Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A swan and 5 Peacocks

We won't be attending any leather events this year. And that fact has us nostalgic for times past, like last year when Master and I were at Thunder in the Mountains (the big leather event held annually in Denver) http://www.thunderinthemountains.com/

I know that many imagine these events and picture the dungeons, and surely that is a big part of the attraction for us. But a weekend at something like Thunder is much more than the play party. It is a chance to be immersed in a culture where kinky people are THE dominant culture, and the vanilla culture, where we normally spend our days, fades away for the duration. Unless you have actually had that experience, it is hard to imagine.

When we all get together in a place where we don't have to be afraid, defended, or defensive -- in an environment where we can simply BE, it is truly magical and joyous.

One of the shiny moments from Thunder last year happened as we were preparing for the evening's doings. Thunder took over the entire six floor hotel, so there was no need to look "normal" anywhere one went in the place, and we all reveled in that freedom. Our room was on the 5th floor, and it seemed that I was continually on the way to the car to fetch something that Master needed and that had not yet been schlepped into the room on any of the previous 857,936 trips that I'd made to our vehicle...

I was all dolled up in fetish gear that left very little to the imagination. Under normal circumstances, I might have been nervous about wandering around by myself, but at Thunder, I knew I was about as safe as I could be. Clearly I belonged to someone, so no one was going to mess with me. I waited for the elevator and when the door opened it was empty. I got in and pushed the button for the ground floor.

At the next floor, the car stopped and the door opened. Five absolutely glorious gay guys decked out in the most outrageous leather got on and the doors closed again. They all looked at me, and I looked at them, and for a minute we all just stood, non-plussed... Then the car burst out into uproarious laughter as we all rejoiced in the simply marvelous wonder of it all -- a swan among so many peacocks...



At 2:34 PM, Blogger Sue said...

I can understand the "nervousness" about approaching public play for the first time. I found that attending my first leather event was an eye-opener as I discovered that "leather-folks" were just folks very much like me. They had real jobs and real lives and were actually quite ordinary except that they shared some of the same kinks that I had. I was lucky enough to make my first "dungeon debut" with Master and T to guide me, and I remember I was incredibly nervous that first night. I did have the advantage of being somewhat experienced with public nudity because of my love for clothing optional hotsprings and the like, but getting flogged in public is a little different... As for the expectations, BDSM communities (and leather events in particular) are generally very safe and welcoming places for newcomers. The ones we attend almost always have some sort of first night gathering specifically aimed at those who are first-time attenders that helps to answer the common sorts of questions that people have. There are almost always staff people around to help you if you have anything you need, and it is always alright to just watch and only participate in just exactly as much or as little as you choose to.

Of, course, I'd be remiss if I didn't say that when we get through this year's health challenges, I am sure that Master (and T and I)would be delighted if you and your Master would consider joining our family next year at Ohio Leather Fest...


At 3:09 PM, Blogger *J* said...

"Thunder in the Mountains" is in our neck of the woods. However, we are not brave enough to go!

I did ask Himself - he said he's not "there" yet. I can respect that.

Maybe next year...

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Sue said...

*j* -- Maybe by next year we'll be well enough to be able to go to Thunder ourselves. It is my "home" territory, after all. Thunder is a fabulous party and a great place to learn so many skills: whatever your "thing" might be from flogging to Shibari rope bondage to the religious ramifications of ritual piercing, to the legal aspects of what it is we do (wills and custody and what to do when a nosy neighbor sends the police to your door...) there are all kinds of workshops at these BDSM conferences. We'd be thrilled to meet you guys there a year from now it the stars all aligned that way :-)


At 6:26 PM, Blogger danae said...

We are not able to go thunder this year either. :( It is an amazing experience to be around so many like-minded people!


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