Sunday, August 21, 2005

One way to get my feathers ruffled...

It always surprises me when it happens. Maybe because it is rare in our fairly small social circle.

When we are out among "scene" folk, the likelihood is that everyone we encounter understands the protocol that says "don't mess with what doesn't belong to you," so it is almost never an issue there.

So I get surprised and taken aback, and then just a little bent when the assumption is made...

I'm submissive and I'm female. Those simple facts do not, however, have any significance in any universal sense. I do not find it necessary to respond submissively to anyone who comes within my sphere of awareness. Assuming that I will do so is bound to create a clash of wills. My submission is specific and selective. It is given to Master, and is His to command. For Him, the answers are all, essentially variants of "yes, Sir." That is not true, in any way, shape, or form for anyone else on the planet.

Every now and then, I run into someone who seems to think that encountering a submissive female (it doesn't appear to me that submissive males evoke this response) is a lot like finding someone else's child out in public unsupervised and behaving inappropriately -- they just can't resist the urge to try and "do something about it." These types, knowing that I am submissive, while otherwise decent folks, tend for whatever inexplicable reason, to fall into patterns of interactions, however subtle, that just assume that I will answer to them just as I answer to Master. That, with them, as with Him, there is no polite "No, thank you," within our conversational lexicon. Inevitably, I end up having to get pushy or even GROWLY before we come to understand one another.


Oh, yeah! Want to see a swan in full, ruffled up, ugly bird mode?



At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi swan, not a pretty sight, an aggressive Swan, I can empathize.
If someone had done that to my partner my heckles would rise.


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