Thursday, January 13, 2005

Puttin on the Ritz

I just don't believe it!

I was driving in to work this morning and listening to NPR's Morning Edition. I don't always play the radio in the car. Sometimes I just leave it off and let it be quiet, so I can think and get settled in my mind for the day. Other days, I put the radio on and listen to whatever the talk is. Today, I might have been better off leaving it off.

Steve Inskeep was interviewing Vivian Deuschl of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Apparently this person is in charge of public relations, and as such, she was discussing the "doings" around the upcoming inauguration. As I listened in growing disbelief, I had two thoughts:

The first and least complicated, was that this woman was just an evil witch without any desire to relate to "the public" if that public didn't have multiple thousands of dollars to spend frivolously on conspicuous consumption. She was dismissive and condescending and, frankly, nasty. I was appalled and offended at her tone.

Then it got really unbelievable. The conversation turned to the plans that people were making for accommodations to attend the inaugural. Turns out that (for the inauguration) the Ritz offers plain, old, garden-variety rooms (in a four night block -- nothing less is available) for a minimum of $2000.00 a night. Of course, she explained, there are upgrades available for people who want to do that. She gave the example of their "One and Only" package... With private jet from wherever, and 24 hour caviar and Dom Perignon -- all for the flat rate of $150,000 for the 4 days. She spoke of one guest with a reservation who had called the concierge to rent a sable fur coat for the event, and was willing to pay a $15,000 deposit, plus the daily rental, just so they did not have to deal with the hassle of bringing their own fur coat from home through airport security. Inskeep mentioned that competitive hotels in town were offering other packages as well. One even offers a deal where two actors will masquerade as members of the "Secret Service" to guard you for the duration of your stay.

I was trying to drive, but had to keep picking my jaw up out of my lap.

These people are living so far beyond the reality that I deal with that I don't even begin to comprehend how they think or perceive reality.

I can't begin to imagine how this must play in the mind of a parent who's son or daughter is trying to stay alive (without the needed equipment) in Iraq or Afghanistan right now because this president somehow convinced us all that it was important.

I can't square this kind of arrogance and waste with the pure chintziness of our offered aid to the victims of the disaster in South Asia just after Christmas.

I understand that the Bush folks "won," and by their lights, they are entitled to their party. So party. Just don't preach to me about ethics and morality and being on the "right" side of things, unless you live it -- and I just can't see it. Really, I can't



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