Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Almost back!!!

We spanked this morning!!!!!! And fucked... Not exactly with abandon, but oh it was glorious!

It has seemed forever that we've been unable to come together in this so simple, and, for us, so elemental way. Really, we haven't been able to spank and really fuck since the end of January. We're coming up on the end of March.

I know that there are other options, other ways of sexually gratifying one another. We know this. For us, though, it is simply not IT. We are spankos. Pure and simple. The rest leaves us cold. Sadists the world over find ways to "hurt" masochists that range all over the place -- a zillion creative and innovative ideas. We've been through hours and hours of workshops and seminars. It is not that we lack for ideas. And we know about sexual variations, too. We've turned there some. But it isn't what takes either of us to the place we need to be. Keeps us alive sort of, but doesn't bring us into the place of FIRE that we know when we really connect. It has been a long, dark, cold end of winter.

So, as the incision has slowly healed, and the aching has receded, and I have become more and more sure that I would not burst open at the merest stress, we've eagerly awaited the time when we could resume the spanking life which is our joy and our shared road into passion. We actually tried a mild session on Sunday morning with a very light, very whippy little cane -- no sex, but some success in leaving some rather satisfying stripes on my ass. And oh it was good... And no harm done. That was a beginning.

This morning, we were both awake very early -- about 4:35 AM, and oh so hungry for each other. The question barely needed to be asked. Only the logistics needed to be worked out -- could I tolerate lying over some pillows or not? No -- not yet...too much stress on the incision. OK, then -- flat on the mattress is best, still. No problem. The hardest thing for me is to not tense my abdominal muscles as that pulls at the incision and, over time, causes a real intensifying ache and sense of pulling. So, breathe and focus on staying relaxed and riding with each stroke. We went slowly and, really, played with much less intensity than is our norm, but it was a beginning, and charged with longing, felt so rich and so right.

Then... can we actually make love? I climbed up onto Him -- the position we most often adopt to spare His knees in these days prior to His upcoming knee replacement surgery. Tentative and frightened of the possibility that this might be painful as so much has been lately, I was delighted to find that my perch was, in fact, joyous and pleasurable for us both. Soon, we found the rhythm I'd thought forgotten. Soon thought and worry and the world and all the rest were washed away in a tide as old as time. It wasn't long before I was rocketed away and sobbing in His arms -- my joy and my gratitude and my wonder overwhelming my resolve and my desire to do for Him this first time out... He rolled me off to the mattress and, held me and, cooed His pride in me, soothed me and rocked me and, welcomed me "home." It wasn't long before He too was finished and we were again curled up together, snoozing until the alarm (evil thing) was summoning us for the day and the mundane tasks at hand. Breakfast and showers and off to jobs and the normal routines. But this would be a far from normal day -- this was a magic day of coming back to life.



At 12:27 AM, Blogger Malcolm said...

Glad for you, sue. How I agree with you - there's nothing like spanking, satisfyingly long welts, the sharply indrawn breath, the squirming - brilliant! (from the top's point of view, anyway ...)



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