Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Naming is about claiming

When you name something or someone, you lay claim to it or them in an essential way.
When I came to live here, I was Sue -- Suzanne (the moniker my parents gave to me). I saw myself as by myself and for myself -- a warrior woman, who needed to fight battles in order to survive. I also knew, deep in my soul, that I was one of those ugly duckling women, who were blessed with brains rather than with beauty. So be it.
But I came here because He who now owns me said, "come to me." Not a request, but simple directive. Undeniable and irresistible. Once in His orbit and under His sway, I began to change: to live and breathe and grow in His sight. The ugly duckling metamorphosed into a beautiful swan. The changes were tangible and physical, it is true: pounds lost and years shed as worries and cares seemed to melt away. Some change though is more numinous -- in the carriage and in the lift of the head and in the simple knowing in the heart. One becomes what is seen when another looks...



At 12:44 PM, Blogger Malcolm said...

I understand so well what you are saying here. The changes in my wife - and myself - since we married and because we have lived together 14 years are noticeable. Love and admiration can work wonders.


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